Corporate Strategy       

To become a market leader of Islamic Financial Products through:

  • maintaining highest standards of integrity and honesty;
  • strict adherence with Sharia principles;
  • making improvement in every department a process through education and professional development with latest innovations through awareness techniques;
  • providing opportunities to employees for career development and rewarding them according to their caliber;
  • safeguarding the interests of shareholders while providing best possible returns;
  • building a long lasting relationship with the customers by suggesting the most suitable Islamic product for their needs at competitive rates;
  • Practical and conservative judgment of risks.

Corporate Objectives

  • The primary objective of the company is the growth in shareholder’s equity. The company shall seek to maximize the returns to its valuable certificate holders
  • The Business activities shall further be diversified and new business avenues shall be identified and pursued.
  • The company shall maintain an environment conducive for professional growth and development. Best available training shall be imparted to develop an effective and efficient human resource base.
  • The Staff should be minimized through by inculcating a sense of belonging among the employees and offering a career path to them.
  • Meet the challenges of the highly competitive market with our expertise, creativity and services.
  • The Company maintaining highest standards of integrity and honesty.
  • The Company providing best opportunity to its employees for career development and rewarding them according to their caliber.
  • The All systems and procedures shall be documented and manuals shall be prepared for each function.

Corporate Social Responsibility

In an age in which environmental and social issues are top of mind for many consumers, businesses can no longer exist in a bubble. Today’s shoppers aren’t just looking for the best price and quality — they expect the companies they patronize to do well with their money and make a positive impact on the world around them. To this end, many organizations are now making social responsibility a top priority.

All non-shariah income and dividend income are purified by the Shariah Advisor of the company and are given to charities.